The first Viaggio al Tesoro was born on January 1, 2009.
The first edition, and not only that, was "clandestine": a simple Treasure Hunt for a few friends. 10 guys, 2 cars leaving at 2.00 a.m., after the New Year's Eve fireworks, and we went looking for clues around Frattamaggiore. It was born as a simple provocation: “What to do on New Year's Eve? Rather than go dancing, let's organize something different.” One of those games that required ingenuity, logic, intuition and which were generally organized in clubs or at home was conceived and created in 24 hours, however, for the first time, the playing field for the search for enigmas was the entire city, of night, therefore all ours.
Although it was organised quickly, by word of mouth it immediately gained widespread approval, so much so that it was eagerly awaited, at least among friends. Thus, the idea was born to repeat it, ever since, as a six-monthly appointment.
And from a couple of cars, participation over the years grew so much that not only friends participated but also friends of friends and so on, as word of mouth was very fast.

The creation of the event and the management itself at the time did not involve the need for staff, there were not even 'live' trials in places: it was a dry sequence of clues to be solved and places to be discovered, and the games were paper clues taped to the streets, folded and taped, one per team (woe betide if they were eradicated) that had any kind of reference to places in our town, so you had to know the town well. Helping the teams (of friends) along the way was the organiser and his brother.
The teams grew and being only two to handle the help over the phone was problematic, as was printing out the entire clue set for each team and going to hide it before the start.
The hours before the event were always exciting, it felt like going on stage in front of a packed theatre. And everything had to be rendered perfectly.

To allow the event to be enjoyed by everyone, Viaggio al Tesoro made its official debut in July 2013, after four years of clandestine events intended for friends and acquaintances, with the help of the Frattamaggiore Youth Forum.
The event was then institutionalised and sponsored by the municipality of Frattamaggiore, presented at various public events, and enrolment was open to any public of age who could put together a car of five people to form a team ready to do anything to reach the hidden treasure.
Another novelty on the night of 20 July 2013, besides a large staff, was the introduction of new live rehearsals and unreleased songs that became jingles of the event. The event began to become not only a sequence of clues and locations, but also a real dynamic role-playing game open to anyone, in which it was no longer even necessary to know the locations of the city, but one was required to be sprightly and eager to spend an atypical night.

With the advent of the smartphone and therefore of the internet usable anywhere and for anyone, the clues began to become more and more multimedia, social, app-based, a Facebook page and an Instagram page were born with videos, clues, reference event, announcement of the teams, information, the famous rules and the posts that made people so anxious: PRE-HUNTING DAY, HUNTING DAY and the eagerly awaited report cards to the teams at the end of the event.
In 2014, the attendance increased again and the game became more and more complex. The organisation was supported by a large staff and the possibility of managing the last-second entry of contestants who, in order to participate, chose to be placed in random teams with other potential contestants.

From 2015, the name of the event became “La notte del Tesoro” - a night journey in search of treasure. It became a much-awaited event for young people in the provinces of North Naples and beyond, a Great Treasure Hunt with many associations and numerous sponsors and partnerships, which slowly invested in the success of the event and the generation of the prize. Articles were dedicated to the event in newspapers, on TV and, above all, there were many people who, live or on social networks, recounted the excitement of experiencing a night full of adrenalin, finding themselves rulers of a city with sudden access to symbolic and/or public places of the sponsoring municipalities.

In fact, the event was held, with moral patronage, no longer only in Frattamaggiore but in other municipalities in the Neapolitan and Caserta area, and not only every six months but in various editions and at various times during the year.

Two years after the last events, which were numerous and all in a sequence of a few months, in 2017 the event returned, with the co-participation of three municipalities, Frattamaggiore, Frattaminore and Grumo Nevano. From that edition, there were two novelties: the night journey had a defined story-telling in the pre-hunt and during the hunt with the participation of actors and musicians in the promotion videos and for the clues: the contestants were protagonists in search of the Treasure of a told and evolving story that would find its outcome at the end of the journey. And more important news: the help was finally managed impartially and telematically, through an automatic mechanism.

After another 2-year hiatus, the event returned with a fresh novelty, an awakening from the torpor, a rediscovery: two long-awaited editions concatenated a few months apart, the first in July in Cardito, the second in 5 municipalities simultaneously Frattamaggiore, Frattaminore, Grumo Nevano, Cardito and Afragola: it was called the “North Naples” edition.


From 2022, Vincenzo Martino's "Caccia al Tesoro", known as "Notte del Tesoro", officially became “VIAGGIO AL TESORO” with the “North Naples area” edition covering an impressive 34.61km² in 6 municipalities: Frattamaggiore, Frattaminore, Grumo Nevano, Cardito, Afragola and Casandrino, repeating 2 months later in the millenary town of Aversa.
On 28 October 2022 there was a record number of participants with the edition in the city of Caserta.
But the dream to be realised was just around the corner with the edition of 31 March 2023 under the patronage of the City of Naples: 330 people departed from the historic Cinema Metropolitan for the streets of the Chiaia and Mergellina districts, a new record with 70 registered teams, excluding many other possible entrants stopped only by the sold-out. On 25 April, under the patronage of the Island of Procida, another novelty: Viaggio al Tesoro to the Campania island, a one-day holiday experience in search of the island's treasure.
2023 was an experimental year with the introduction of the Weekend of the Areas: two macro-areas (Flegrea area with Quarto and Pozzuoli, Agro-Aversana area with Teverola, Cesa, Succivo and Aversa) in two consecutive days in search of Treasures. There will be a return to the magical Caserta in July 2023 where the theme of inclusion is strong in collaboration with the Arcigay Caserta association. In summer 2023, a new, highly successful experiment: on 18 August in Avellino, 200 young people will search for Treasure in the magical capital of Irpinia. Starting in the evocative Galleria Principe di Napoli, on 13 October, with dedicated articles in the main national newspapers, Viaggio al Tesoro was held once again but in Italy's most beautiful and largest historic centre, with more than 200 enthusiastic youngsters experiencing the city from a playful and adrenalin-fuelled point of view.
On 1 December amidst the magical artist lights, Viaggio al Tesoro lands in Salerno for the first time, illuminated by the energy of its competitors.

If you want to organize Viaggio al Tesoro as a Team Building event for your company, for your private party, for your special occasion or for the street party involving any participant in an inclusive manner, contact us and we will tailor the event to suit your your requests
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